

  • 16
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
    成立时间:2004 年
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 湖州 中国 浙江 湖州市 湖州市凤凰开发区轻纺路899号东二楼
  • 姓名: 朱历
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



    The supply of Crepe De Chine, silk satin, Habotai, georgette, chiffon, silk woven products factory also continued development of all types of fashion, new fabrics and perennial cooperation with the garment factory, anxious customers anxious, I would like customers to think in time required for the development of a variety of customer products. In the silk industry, our factory has been operating for more than a decade of history, in recent years also applies to a large number of woven silk and cotton products. Welcome consulting, Pearl River Textile Co., Ltd. will serve you faithfully! 注册资金:人民币100.00万 注册资金:人民币100.00万 注册资金:人民币100.00万 (>>查看全部)
    经营范围 公司主要经营真丝,电力纺,丝棉纺,素绉缎,雪纺,乔其, 供应双绉、素绉缎,电力纺、乔其、雪纺,丝绵交织等产品厂里还不断开发各类时尚、新颖的面料,如缎条乔其、金银丝乔其、缎条雪纺、金银提花纺,丝竹纤维面料,丝麻交织面料等各类品种,近年来还大量适用于真丝与棉交织的产品。欢迎来电来函咨询,珠江纺织有限公司将竭诚为您服务!纺织品; 棉纱; 丝绸面料; 真丝原料; 围巾;纺织品; 棉纱; 丝绸面料; 真丝原料; 围巾;纺织品; 棉纱; 丝绸面料; 真丝原料;